Friday, September 14, 2007

Not Quite as Big as My Head

Angie and I went to La Bamba's to grab dinner tonight. You remember La Bamba's, right? It's the burrito place on campus touting burritos as grande as your cabesa. 

There's now one on Georgesville Rd. It's been ther for less than a year I think. You may ask yourself why, but you shouldn't. 43228 has the densest population of spanish speakers in Franklin county.

Here's what we ate:

Burrito - I opted for the regular burrito with the beef/pork combination. It had meat, beans, lettuce, onions, sour cream and cheese. It was pretty good in that "I shouldn't be eating this" kind of way. 

Super Nachos - Nachos, yes. Super, no. However, these actually were as big as my head. They're no Applebee's. 

Taco Salad - Angie ate this and she's upstairs so she can't comment. I just remember that she likened the meat to something she would have eaten in a school cafeteria. 

Here's why we ate it:

Chipotle's was too crowded with a line almost out the door. 


Angie said...

And the next day, Bob likened Nila's poop to the meat in my taco salad. That should tell you if I plan on ever going back to "Burritos as big as your head." Oh, and I notice he didn't mention the sad effects of "Burritos as big as your head" on his intestinal tract. Surely that (when "that = food poisoning") matters when reviewing a restaurant?

I *heart* Chipotle.

rdmeeker said...

Yeah, Chipotle doesn't give a person stomach-curdling, butt-burning diarrhea